Important tips and safety of Laser Treatment for Scars Removal :
Laser Treatment for scars reduces the apperance of scars. It uses focused light therapy to either remove the outer layer of the skin's surface or stimulate the production of new skin cells to cover damaged skin cells. Laser treatment for scars can reduce the apperance of warts, skin wrinkles, age spots, scars and keloids. It doesn't completely remove a scar.
What is laser treatment ?
Laser therapy uses focused beams of light to treat damaged areas on the body. It can be remove also by the tumors and her growths, improve vision, stop hair loss and pain. This therapy also improves the appearance of scars.
Laser machine for scars removal treatment in jaipur is an outpatient procedure. Your doctor will repeatedly moves a laser wand over your skin to remove damaged skin cells and diminishing scars. It include :
1 Injury scars
2 Burn scars
3 Acne scars
4 Dark spots
5 Age spots
6 other types of Hyperpigmentation
This is the procedure which involves heat and light, Our cosmetic surgeon in Jaipur will not recommend if you have light sensitivity. Certain medictaion can cause this type of sensitivity. Be sure to speak with your doctors/consultant to see if you're a good candidate.
How do laser treatments for scars work?
The body begins the process of repairing a wound after a skin injury. A scab develops over the injury to protect it from germs, then eventually falls off.Sometimes, the skin underneath a scab is also the same color as the rest of the body. However, depending on the depth of the injury, a scar will often remains after a scab falls off. These scars may fade or become lighter with the time. When a scar becomes permanent, Laser treatment can be used to remove the outer layer of the damaged skin's surface. They basically smooth the skin to improve tone and apperance.
Safety tips which is given for the plastic surgery in Jaipur and should be followed by the surgeons
1. Avoid direct sunlight for four to six weeks after the procedure.
2. Apply a cold pack or moist cloth to the area to reduce swelling.
3. Take over-the-counter pain medication when needed.
4. Wash and apply moisturizer daily.
5. For facial procedures, you may need to avoid makeup for a few days.
Most important tips should be prepared :
1. Stop smoking at least two weeks before your treatment.
2. Don’t take aspirin, supplements, or medications that can slow the healing process.
3. Don’t use skin care products containing retinol or glycolic acid two to four weeks before your procedure.
4. Wear sunblock. Avoid prolonged sun exposure before your procedure.
5. If you’re getting a laser treatment to the face and have a tendency to get cold sores on the lips, your doctor will need to give you an antibiotic medication to prevent an outbreak after your treatment.