Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Important tips and safety of Laser Treatment for Scars Removal :

Laser Treatment for scars reduces the apperance of scars. It uses focused light therapy to either remove the outer layer of the skin's surface or stimulate the production of new skin cells to cover damaged skin cells. Laser treatment for scars can reduce the apperance of warts, skin wrinkles, age spots, scars and keloids. It doesn't completely remove a scar.

What is laser treatment ?

Laser therapy uses focused beams of light to treat damaged areas on the body. It can be remove also by the tumors and her growths, improve vision, stop hair loss and  pain. This therapy also improves the appearance of scars.

Laser machine for scars removal treatment in jaipur is an outpatient procedure. Your doctor will repeatedly moves a laser wand over your skin to remove damaged skin cells and diminishing scars. It include :

1 Injury scars

2 Burn scars

3 Acne scars 

4 Dark spots

5 Age spots 

6 other types of Hyperpigmentation

This is the procedure which involves heat and light, Our cosmetic surgeon in Jaipur will not recommend if you have light sensitivity. Certain medictaion can cause this type of sensitivity. Be sure to speak with your doctors/consultant to see if you're a good candidate.

How do laser treatments for scars work?

The body begins the process of repairing a wound after a skin injury. A scab develops over the injury to protect it from germs, then eventually falls off.Sometimes, the skin underneath a scab is also the same color as the rest of the body. However, depending on the depth of the injury, a scar will often remains after a scab falls off. These scars may fade or become lighter with the time. When a scar becomes permanent, Laser treatment can be used to remove the outer layer of the damaged skin's surface. They basically smooth the skin to improve tone and apperance.

Safety tips which is given for the  plastic surgery in Jaipur and should be followed by the surgeons

1. Avoid direct sunlight for four to six weeks after the procedure.

2. Apply a cold pack or moist cloth to the area to reduce swelling.

3. Take over-the-counter pain medication when needed.

4. Wash and apply moisturizer daily.

5. For facial procedures, you may need to avoid makeup for a few days.

Most important tips should be prepared :

1. Stop smoking at least two weeks before your treatment.

2. Don’t take aspirin, supplements, or medications that can slow the healing process.

3. Don’t use skin care products containing retinol or glycolic acid two to four weeks before your procedure.

4. Wear sunblock. Avoid prolonged sun exposure before your procedure.

5. If you’re getting a laser treatment to the face and have a tendency to get cold sores on the lips, your doctor will need to give you an antibiotic medication to  prevent an outbreak after your treatment.

Friday, December 4, 2020

 All About The Fat Transfer Risks and Benefits :

As we all know that in the all the case of Cosmetic Treatments, Fat is transfer to the carriers risks (however slight) along with the benefits. The benefits of the fat is via infection are well established; this also include correcting facial imperfection and adding volume with a non-allergenic, autologous material ( from the patients and from the own body). Its is most important to consider the risks and benefits of fat transfer before electing to undergo this procedure. The benefits which are reviewed below, and it should be followed by detailed discription of the possible risk and complications of fat transfer. 

Benefits of the Facial Fat Transfer :

Fat is the infection as a cosmetic surgeon in jaipur they done this treatment very easily and also in the way of natural, versatile, long-lasting, and safe. Fat is transfer has become a preferred method of facial volume enhancement for patient who are allergic to traditional dermal fillers such as bovine-derived collagen. One of the benefits of volume enhancement via fat injection is that there is absolutely no chance of an adverse allergic reaction.

Traditional collagen injection are derived from bovine tissue, so patients must undergo an allergy test and wait for the result before undergoing treatment. An even more modern facial rejuventaion products,such as those that use hyaluronic acid, which carry a slight risk of reaction in people who have multiple allergies. Many of the participants feel most secure using fat transfer so they don't have to worry about a possible reaction .

Another popular reason for choosing fat transfer/injection is the duration of  the procedure's result. Even though about 65% of injection fat will be reabsorbed into the body within a few months of the fat injection, the remaining is 35% which will usually last for the years. For the most lasting result, many patients choose to have several fat transfer treatments over the course of a few months .

According to plastic surgeon in jaipur Fat transfer is easily combined with other facial rejuvenation procedure such as BOTOX Cosmetic, or a body procedure such as tummy tuck or liposuction.

Many patients find out that undergoing facial fat transfer in addition to one of these procedures is manily more important and the cost-effective than undergoing these treatments separately. 

The Fat Transfer Risks and Possible Complications :

The fat transfer risks are few, rare, and minimal. Soreness and swelling are possible, but they're not experienced by every patients. The most siginificant down-side of the procedure is that your face or lips may simply reabsorb all or most of the fat injection. The chances of this happening can't be practical for a given individual, but it happens in up to the half of all patients who receive fat injection treatments.

Rare but possible fat transfer risks and complication include an allergic reaction to the local anesthetic, permanent discoloration caused by the ruptured blood vessle at the treatment site, calcification, a distorted look if overcorrection is done ,per-operative bleeding, a blood clot at the treatment or donor site, a blood-borne infection (perhaps from another cosmetic or dental procedure), scar tissue, and a fat embolism caused by a fat injection mistakenly directed into the blood vessel.

Being disappointed with the results of a fat transfer procedure could also be considered a "RISK". The placement of the fat transfer may not be adequate; the duration of the effect of the fat injection may not be as long as you'd like it; or your face may not "TAKE" the fat transfer. Your face or lips may not be look exactly as you'd hoped. Discuss all your concerns and desires with a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist before undergoing a fat transfer procedure.