Friday, August 30, 2019

5 Steps to Take Care of Breast Implants So As Not To Shift or Change Shape

Breast implants are not designed for life. Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur says you may need to replace it when the size and shape change or complications occur. For this reason, women who carry out this procedure need to properly treat breast implants. However, how to treat breast implants so they are not easily damaged? Check out the following guidelines.

Guidelines for maintaining and treating breast implants

The type of implant consists of various types, so the placement, incision, and recovery time varies greatly. Generally, the recovery process will last for 1 week. However, swelling and pain can last for 3 or 4 weeks.

So that installation does not fail and can last a long time, care must be taken to protect breast implants. This starts after the installation of the implant is done onwards. Well, guidelines for treating breast implants include the following things.

1. Follow the healing instructions from the doctor

In order for the recovery process to be faster and safer, you must follow the doctor's advice in maintaining breast implants, such as:

Get more rest so that the body can recover and be healthy.

Choose a safe sleeping position, which is supine for several weeks. Use extra pillows to make you more comfortable. Sleeping on his stomach or side position will put pressure on the breast. As a result, the pain will get worse and the results of the operation are not optimal.
Avoid doing work, such as pulling, pushing, lifting, or holding something heavy. For example holding a baby or carrying a shopping bag full.

2. Perform massage around the breast

According to Breast Lift Surgeon in Jaipur, Breast massage is an important part of treating breast implants. Both after surgery for recovery and after treatment. This action is done to prevent capsular contractures, which are complications that cause the tissue around the implant to thicken and harden.
In addition, massage is carried out after surgery is also done so that the position of the implant does not move. After you recover from surgery, massage should be done routinely according to doctor's instructions to keep breast implants soft and supple.

3. Reduce Strenuous Activity and Prone Sleeping Position

Although the body has recovered, strenuous activity and prone sleeping position can put more pressure on breast implants. As a result, the implant can shift, change its shape, and shrink in size. To keep breast implants as they are and do not need to be replaced again, you need to reduce these habits and activities.

4. Wear the right bra

Postoperative placement of breast implants you will be given a surgical bra that must be worn for several weeks. Then, the bra will be changed to an ordinary bra. However, the use of bras should be done slowly, until the breast implant is completely ready. 

After the surgical bra, you are allowed to use a regular bra without wires. Why? Rigid wire can irritate the breast slices at the bottom. After you are a few months after that, you are only allowed to wear this model bra to prevent the position of the breast sagging.

5. Healthy lifestyle and always see a doctor regularly

Breast Lift Surgery in Jaipur will recover quickly if you adopt a healthy lifestyle. If you remain consistent, your health will also be maintained and certainly have a good effect on breast implants. So, always pay attention to food intake, activities that you do, and stop smoking.
In addition, maintaining breast implants also includes regular health checks. You are usually recommended to do an MRI scan 3 years after surgery and do it again 2 years afterwards. The aim is to prevent rupture of silicone type implants. Also do an X-ray examination to monitor the non-formation of cancer in the breast.

If you experience fever, redness, and swelling around the breast, see a doctor immediately. Although rare, this condition can happen to you and indicate the amount of infection after surgery.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Do not Ignore Red Spots on the Breast

Do not underestimate if you find any red spots on the breast. Although not all red spots indicate a dangerous condition, some types of breast disease can be started from the appearance of these symptoms.
Breast Lift Surgeon in Jaipur says you don't need to panic right away. Try to identify first what symptoms you feel when the red spots appear. The following is a list of common causes that you may be experiencing.

What Causes Red Spots on the Breast?

Red spots that appear on your breasts can indicate the following conditions.

1. Mastitis

Mastitis is inflammation that occurs in the breast, especially in women who are breastfeeding. The cause comes from breast milk that is unstoppable in the breast, then infection occurs in the area. Breasts with mastitis usually show signs of redness, feel warm, and pain when pressed.
The symptoms of mastitis often have similarities with the symptoms of breast cancer. To ensure your health, check with your doctor if you also experience these symptoms.

2. Dermatitis or nipple eczema

Nipple dermatitis makes the skin on the nipple and the surrounding dark area (areola) become inflamed. Symptoms are red spots arise in the breast and skin texture changes become dry and scaly. This disease can be caused by microbial infections, irritation due to baby bites, or allergic reactions to certain ingredients.

3. Breast abscess

Women during lactation are very susceptible to bacterial infections. These bacteria can enter through the nipple, then infect the tissue inside. If it continues, pus can accumulate in the area of ​​infection to form an abscess.

4. Rashes due to skin diseases

Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur: Red spots on your breast can be symptoms of common skin diseases such as:
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Psoriasis, which is chronic inflammation that is characterized by the appearance of scaly red spots.
Candidiasis derived from fungal infections
Urticarial due to food, drugs, weather, or other allergens
Cellulitis, which is the entry of bacteria into the skin gap, causing swelling, pain, hot sensation, or red spots on the breast

5. Intertriginous

Excessive friction between the skins of the breast in the fold area can make the breast become moist and cause intertriginos. The symptoms are reddish or brownish rash on the breast accompanied by swelling, itching, and the appearance of unpleasant odors.

When do you need to see a doctor?

Red spots on the breast are generally not dangerous, but this condition can also be a symptom of more serious diseases, including breast cancer. Therefore, consult your Breast Augmentation Surgeon in Jaipur immediately if you also experience other symptoms such as:

Pain that does not go away
Breast nipples appear to go inside
New spots or rashes appear on the breasts
The breasts experience changes in size, swelling, constantly feeling warm, itchy, and / or appear reddish

Changes occur on the surface of the skin of the breast, including breasts appear to constrict
There is fluid coming out of the breast
A red line appears from the rash area
There are sores on the breast that do not go away
Your doctor can carry out further tests such as mammography and biopsy to determine the cause of the appearance of red spots on your breast.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Before Breast Lift Surgery, Understand all the Stages

For women, breasts are usually considered as one of the "assets" of body pride. Unfortunately, the breasts can slowly relax over time. That is why breast tightening surgery seems to be the best solution to restore breast shape to its original shape. Before actually doing Breast Lift Surgery in Jaipur, have you understood the procedure related to breast tightening?

A series of surgical procedures to tighten the breasts Increasing age, undergoing childbirth, as well as changes in body weight, are some things that are believed to make breasts no longer tight. For the sake of self-satisfaction or to please a partner, some women may choose to go for a breast lift operation.
Instead of asking questions and imagining for yourself about the breast tightening surgery, you should understand the following operating procedures:

1. Before surgery, tighten the breasts

The first step in the procedure to tighten the breasts would be to consult first with a plastic surgeon. Here, the doctor will do a check around your medical history that is being or has been experienced before.
Do not hesitate to convey if there is a family member who has had cancer, or other problems related to the condition of the breast. Also state the results if you have ever done, and explain what type of medication are being routinely taken.

No less important in the surgical procedure to tighten the breasts, the Breast Lift Surgeon in Jaipur will also examine the condition of the breast thoroughly. The goal is to get a picture of your breasts before the surgery takes place. That way, the doctor can adjust what procedures and other needs related to surgery according to your condition.

Approaching the time of breast tightening surgery arrives; you will be advised to do a mammography or breast test. Not without reason, this examination can help doctors and medical teams to detect if there are changes in breast tissue later.

Rules that must be taken to prevent the risk of complications

To prevent complications after a breast tightening procedure, doctors usually also recommend a number of things. You may be asked not to smoke, and not to take certain types of drugs that are at risk of bleeding.
For example aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements. While smoking, the risk of inhibiting the smooth flow of blood to the skin while slowing the healing process afterwards.

2. During the operation, tighten the breasts

Upon D-day surgery, the doctor will first make an incision in certain areas of the breast, such as:
The incision around the areola or the dark brown part that surrounds the nipple
Incision that extends down from the areola to the breast crease area
Long or horizontal incisions along the breast folds

After that, you will be injected with general anesthesia or anesthesia, so that you are unconscious during the Breast Augmentation Surgery in Jaipur. Next, the doctor performs the surgical process by taking a number of breast tissues through an incision that has formed.
Then the doctor can proceed to the next process, or insert the implant if necessary. If your breast is given an implant, the doctor will close it again after being inserted.

But if not, the doctor may immediately remove excess skin that makes the breasts become sagging, while shifting the nipple to the right position. After everything is finished, the breast skin that is open because of the previous incision will be closed again by stitching.
The whole procedure of breast tightening surgery in this operating room will only last for 1 day, or rather about 2-3 hours. The length of time can change depending on the conditions and level of difficulty.

3. After surgery, tighten the breasts

After all the process is complete, your breasts will be covered using gauze and it is recommended to wear a special bra. A small tube can also be installed in the area of ​​the incision to drain excess blood or excess fluid.

It is normal if after the surgical procedure to tighten your breasts you will feel swelling, and pain, especially around the incision. On the other hand, you may also experience numbness in the nipples, areola, and breast skin area which will last for about 6 weeks.

Talk to your Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur when the right time to remove the gauze, stitches, and a small tube that covers the breast. Usually, about 1-2 weeks after the breast tightening surgery procedure is complete, or at the 1st or 2nd examination visit, it can be removed.

Things that must be considered during the recovery process

Routinely taking pain medication given by a doctor during the first few days after surgery.
Avoid intimate relationships, or activities that are too heavy that risk injuring the former operation.
Change the bandage attached to the breast according to doctor's orders.
Consult when you may return to daily activities, such as bathing, shampooing, and so on.
Keep using a special bra to provide comfort during the recovery process.

After feeling better, the doctor can remove the tube, bandages, and allow you to use a normal bra as before. Furthermore, the size and shape of your breasts will continue to improve by itself over time.
Are there risks from breast tightening surgery?

Although not always, but there are still some risks behind this operation, including:

The emergence of scar tissue.

The shape and size of the two breasts are different.

Nipple or areola is damaged due to disruption of blood flow, thus making damaged breast tissue.
Difficulties when breastfeeding later because milk production cannot be sufficient.
Before carrying out a series of Breast Enlargement Surgery in Jaipur, the doctor will usually inform you of possible risks. So, make sure you understand well the impact that might occur after this.

It is also important to note that the results of this operation are not permanent or permanent. The reason is, with increasing age, skin elasticity can be reduced, thus making the breasts sagging again.
Therefore, it is better to maintain ideal and stable body weight so that the results of this operation can be more durable.

Friday, August 16, 2019

What is Lip Augmentation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results?

What is Lip Augmentation?

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance of the lips by making them look fuller and fuller by Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur. In general, full and full lips make a person look healthier and younger, because lips tend to thin out as they age. The ideal shape and size of the lips is usually determined based on other facial features around it, such as the nose. This procedure has been carried out since the early 20th century.

Who Needs to Get Lip Augmentation and Expected Results

Lip augmentation is recommended for those whose original lips are too thin, such that they disappear when smiling. In addition, it is intended for those whose lips are thinning due to age.

There are several methods that can be used for lip augmentation. Some of the results are only temporary, but some are durable. Among them:

Dermal filler injection
Fat injection
Lip implant
Advanced vermillion surgery
Lip tightening surgery

Lip Augmentation Surgery in Jaipur
: Generally, patients prefer the procedure with temporary results because it can be adjusted to the desired appearance of the patient. The most chosen are injecting dermal fillers, especially those using hyaluronic acid. Fillers, which are marketed under different trade names, are substances that are injected into the lips and on the surface of the mouth. Because hyaluronic acid also exists naturally in the body, the risk of complications and negative reactions is very low. It is also very effective in increasing lip volume for quite a long time up to 6 months, but with a low risk of bruising. After six months, the patient needs to get another injection to maintain the volume of the lips.

How it works Lip Augmentation

Dermal filler injection is performed as an outpatient procedure in a beauty clinic. Before being injected, the beauty specialist will apply the numbing agent to the lips. If needed, injections to block nerves are also given. The area around the mouth where the injection is to be marked, then the syringe is used to enter hyaluronic acid into the lips.

Meanwhile, if the patient chooses to undergo the fat injection procedure, then he needs to stay in the hospital or beauty clinic for a longer time to get the fat grafted. The fat is taken from the patient's own body through liposuction, before being injected into the lips.
After the augmentation procedure is finished, the ice will be left in the area worked by the Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur to reduce discomfort and swelling. The healing period is only 1-2 days, after which the patient's lips will look fuller and fuller.

Meanwhile, the healing period after lip augmentation is different. If it is injected, it only takes a day. If surgery, then it takes up to one week, because it requires stitches. Even though the size is very small, it still needs to be released after 4 - 5 days after the procedure.

Possible Risks and Complications

Lip augmentation by injection is far safer than surgery, but both have risks. Some potential complications can arise during the lip enlargement procedure, including:

Sensitive to pain

This complication is mild and only temporary, so it will disappear by itself. However, if it lasts more than 10 days, the patient must notify the beauty specialist. Redness and itching over a long time period indicate an allergic reaction to a substance that is injected into the skin.

Also Read: What to Expect During Breast Reduction Recovery

There are also complications related to the results of the procedure, including:

Asymmetrical lips
There is a bump on the lips
Loss of tissue, due to injecting substances into blood vessels
Stiff lips
Ulceration of the lips

Other complications can occur in Lip Augmentation Surgery with silicone implant injection techniques. Therefore, this technique is not recommended because of the high complications. In one case, a patient reported suffering from a post-procedure abscess formation. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

What is Beauty Medicine: Definition and Overview?

Beauty medicine or aesthetic medicine is a broad term that refers to the expertise of a doctor to change the appearance of cosmetics in patients. Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur Says this action is done by improving certain body parts (reconstruction), or to improve the appearance of a person's face or body, for example reducing excess fat, cellulite, or uneven skin tone.

The scope of aesthetic medicine includes dermatology and reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery which can be either risky or low-risk. Some of the treatments included in cosmetic medicine are:
Reconstructive Surgery - The goal of reconstructive surgery has two sides; first, to restore the appearance of parts of the body damaged by disease, malpractice, complications from an action or trauma. This includes women whose breasts are removed during mastectomy or someone with significant burns. Second, to improve the function of body parts, although not always achieved. For example, new breasts may no longer be able to produce milk, while treated burns can increase patient mobility.

Physical Surgery - Physical surgery is a comprehensive procedure performed on the body, especially the face, whose basic purpose is to improve appearance. Fat loss methods are also included in this surgery, such as liposuction or tummy tuck. In addition, actions to reduce weakness in the skin, which usually occurs in elderly patients. According to Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur this surgical procedure is minimally invasive, meaning that it requires only a few incisions and is low in risk such as infection, a long healing period, and bleeding. To do surgery, beauty doctors often use scopes, such as laparoscopes and other new technologies.

Non-invasive measures - These beauty practices can improve physical appearance without the need for general anesthesia or surgery. For example, chemical peels, skin tightening and photo rejuvenation, hair removal and tattoos, treatments for skin blemishes and problems such as moles, hyperpigmentation, pimples and scars. Meanwhile, technologies used in non-invasive measures include Botox injections using purified toxins to help muscles relax and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Replenishment of the skin makes facial contours more visible and smoothest wrinkles. The use of crystal microdermabrasion can remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

Aesthetic medicine also includes assessing and diagnosing certain conditions that change a person's physical appearance, such as acne, eczema, allergies, and also symptoms of hormonal imbalances such as overgrown hair and significant weight gain.

A Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur also needs to have an understanding and in-depth knowledge of fitness, nutrition, the use of lasers and other similar technologies, treatment, analgesia, and much more. It is expected that the beauty doctor can provide medical treatment before and after the procedure, as well as provide informative explanations to the patient well, because many actions cause significant changes in appearance.

Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals can enter this field. Beauty medicine is still considered a new specialty, so there is no particular certification or board for this field. However, some have decided to limit doctors who become beauty doctors, usually depending on the practice area, to establish a single, more comprehensive standard for this profession.

When to Visit a Beauty Doctor

Based on data from official bodies, at least 8 million beauty measures have been carried out since 2009. Most take advantage of special services that are non-invasive treatments that are in great demand and affordable.

You might consider seeing a Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur, if you:
Many see signs of aging - Beauty medicine also includes anti-aging treatment because it deals with general signs associated with increasing age, such as weakened skin due to reduced production of collagen in the body, protein fibers that nourish skin tissue, and low metabolism which results in excess fat.
Want to increase self-confidence - Beauty medicine can help increase a patient's confidence both physically and mentally. Better physical appearance improves mood, self-confidence, and makes patients feel satisfied with themselves.

Experiencing injuries that affect appearance - Violence or accidents can cause injury that causes injury to the body, if severe it can cause defects or amputations (loss of limbs), or reduced limb function significantly. Burns, for example, can damage the skin, and limit the movement of limbs. 

Friday, August 2, 2019

Various Treatments Treated by Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur

Services of Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur are increasingly being invaded by women who want to look more beautiful. But, not many know clearly what actions and treatments are performed by a doctor. 
Unlike the role of a dermatologist, a doctor aims to improve one's appearance with minimal or non-invasive cosmetic procedures. For example to prevent, reduce, and eliminate the signs of aging, make the patient's face look brighter, and improve the appearance of facial features.

Types of Treatments Performed by a Doctor

Chemical Peeling

This treatment can help eliminate wrinkles and scars on the skin, including acne scars. Chemical peels use chemicals as part of the process of exfoliating the top layer of skin or dead skin layers. So that the skin that will appear on the surface is younger and smoother skin. Some chemicals used in this process are adjusted to the depth of the skin layer to be achieved. This treatment alone can be combined with other treatments.


According to Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur this treatment is the same as chemical peel which aims to remove dead skin cells, only the procedure is different. This treatment uses a special tool to scrape the surface of the skin. You can use dermabrasion if you want to remove scars, acne scars, and wrinkles on the face. This process requires anesthesia. You will be given general anesthesia or only sedation, depending on the extent of the skin being treated.

Laser Resurfacing

This treatment aims to smooth the skin that has many scars or acne scars, reduce fine lines on the face, and tighten facial skin. This treatment has two ways, namely the no ablative laser process which aims to tighten the skin by triggering the growth of collagen on the face, and the ablative laser process which is useful for removing the uppermost layers of the skin.


This treatment is done by injecting liquid or gel containing certain substances into the wrinkled skin. This liquid will fill the lower layers of the skin, so the skin surface rises and wrinkles on the face can look smoother. This treatment is temporary with a durability of 4 months to 1 year, depending on the type of liquid filler used and the type of wrinkles on the patient's face.


Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur: Botox is a treatment using botulinum toxin which is then injected into the desired part of the body. This material works by paralyzing or reducing the movement of muscles, so it can reduce wrinkles on the face.

Be Wary of Side Effects Procedures

Undergoing treatment does not mean without certain side effects or risks. The following are the side effects that might appear after you get treatment from your doctor.

Chemical Peels

Before you do this treatment, it is better to consult about your health condition with a doctor. This treatment cannot be done if you have facial warts, have keloids or excessive scar tissue growth, have speckled skin, abnormal skin pigmentation, dark facial skin, or herpes simplex. Sensitive skin owners need to be aware of the ingredients used for this action, so as not to have a worse effect on the skin.
Side effects that may arise after doing this treatment is a change in skin color can be darker. In addition, the face will also become reddish, but will return to normal after a few days or weeks. 

Chemical peels can cause the skin to be more susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections. Damage to the kidneys, heart, and liver can be caused by carbolic acid which is used to chemical peel the inner layer of the skin. This is because these substances can be absorbed by the body when applied to the surface of the skin.


This treatment has a number of side effects, such as the possibility of the appearance of a small lump under the skin, allergies, skin discoloration, and infection. In addition, another possibility that can occur due to fillers is the occurrence of necrosis. Necrosis is the death of body tissue. This can happen because blood flow to the body's tissues is blocked by the filler material injected, so that the blood supply is blocked and causes tissue death. If you filler the nose for example, then the possibility of necrosis in the area around the nose can occur, usually occurs at the tip of the nose (nose tip necrosis).

A Plastic Surgery Doctor inJaipur can help you maintain and improve skin conditions as you wish. However, don't forget to always ask about the risks of each procedure performed. Also provide clear information about the condition of your health to the doctor.