Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Facelift Can Really Make You Younger?

As you age, skin elasticity will naturally decrease. The skin will be clicking endure, even seemed to sag. H al this can affect a person's confidence. Can a facelift improve this condition? Check out the following explanation.
One of the medical procedures that can overcome the above physical conditions is Facelift Surgery in JaipurPreviously, a facelift was only done to tighten the skin, but now the facelift can simultaneously reposition muscles, skin, and fat.

Age factor

Facelift is generally done on people in the age range of 40-70 years, but it is also possible to do on those who are older. The best face-lift results can be obtained on someone who still has skin elasticity, even though they are aging. This cosmetic surgery procedure involves cutting and removing flaky skin. Next, facial skin will be pulled to be re-positioned.
The results of the face-lift procedure can last around 5-10 years. Your appearance will look younger. Even so, it does not mean that the aging process stops altogether after undergoing a face-lift.
Some other procedures that are often performed in conjunction with a face-lift, including neck lift for the neck, brow lift for the forehead, and eyelid surgery. Facial implants, injections of fillers or fat can also be done as a series of additional procedures in face-lift surgery.

Operations and Recovery Process

The duration of face-lift procedures varies greatly, from 2 hours to 6 hours. Depending on the condition of each patient.
Before the operation begins, the patient will be given general anesthesia. Once anesthetized, the face-lift procedure starts through an incision in the hair or upper hairline and front of the ear. The incision is then continued under the ear until it ends at the hairline behind the ear.
The skin and fat tissue on the face will then be removed, separated from the muscles and connective tissue. If necessary, the Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur can tighten the muscles and connective tissue by sewing it.
The skin is then pulled towards the back to the desired position. Excess skin will be removed. After completion, the incisions will be sewn together again and bandaged.
The doctor will open the bandage in a few days. In the first 2-3 weeks, the doctor will ask you to get checked again. Generally at that time, you still experience bruising and swelling. At the time of control to the doctor, stitches will be taken if the wound is closed after surgery. Keep in mind that the recovery process after the face-lift can be different for each person.

Possible Risk of Complications

Before deciding to do a face-lift plastic surgery procedure, consult your doctor about the benefits and risks of complications that may occur.
Some of the risks of a face-lift that may occur can include bruising, bleeding, infection, widening or thickening of the scar after surgery, and a temporary decrease in muscle function.
In addition, the risk of face-lift also includes hair loss around the incision site, asymmetry between the two sides of the face, and the occurrence of nerve tissue damage to the face.
Some symptoms that require you to get Facelift Surgeon in Jaipur help after a face-lift include:
  • From the surgical wound, pus or blood came out.
  • Fever.
  • Sutures on the surgical wound come off prematurely.
  • The area around the operation appears to be reddening, swelling, pain to the touch, or extreme pain.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What You Need to Know about Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is tempting, but before enjoying the results, you must get sick first. Here are other things you should know about plastic surgery.

When deciding to beautify yourself with Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur, you should have free time to lock yourself in the house. Because of course you will feel uncomfortable if you have to move with a swollen face or bruises due to surgery. Usually, the healing process takes about 6-12 weeks, but it depends on your condition and the type of action you are taking.

One operation is sometimes not enough to get the dream shape. Advanced operations are needed to get perfect results and will certainly cost a lot of money. Keep in mind that plastic surgery whose purpose is for beauty is not covered by insurance.

You will have an incision scar, though it will fade over time.
If you decide to undergo plastic surgery, you must also be prepared to bear all the risks that will occur during or after surgery. What risks might occur?

Failure to implant cheek or chin. Implants that are inserted into the face might make an infection or be rejected by the body. Sometimes, implant placement can be misplaced or even leaky, requiring further surgery.

When performing surgery on the forehead or eyebrows, you must accept the risk of hair loss around the operating area. Hair Transplant Doctor in Jaipur says you may experience numbness around the forehead and scalp.

You also have to accept the risk of blindness, which is rare, if you do eyelid surgery. Other risks when undergoing eyelid surgery can also be dry eyes, eye irritation, and scarring.
The formation of fluid under the skin.

Minor bleeding that may require other surgery or blood transfusion.
Numbness and tingling due to nerve damage. This might be permanent.

Skin damage occurs that healing must go through surgery. People with diabetes, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, or obesity, have a higher risk of complications. These complications can include stroke, heart attack, blood clots in the legs or lungs, to pneumonia.

Deciding to undergo plastic surgery cannot be taken lightly. First, you will permanently change the shape of your face. Second, there is a risk of complications that you must accept.
Think carefully before doing this action. Do not force yourself if you want to change certain parts of the face when your condition does not support. 

Remember that the results of operations on each person are not the same. Make sure you have good information about the plastic surgery that will be performed, the doctor who will handle it, and the hospital of your choice. We recommend that you consult everything to the Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur if you want to do plastic surgery.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

6 Things You Must Ask Your Doctor before Plastic Surgery

Before plastic surgery, there are many things to consider. You are advised to know as much information as possible about the operating procedure, what things must be prepared, and various risks that may occur from mild to serious. You cannot guess or just find out in cyberspace. It's best to go directly to the Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur and consult first to answer the things you want to know.
There are some things that are mandatory and important to know from a doctor. Well, here is a list of the main questions that you should make sure to an expert doctor before making plastic surgery decisions. Check out what are the questions below.

What to ask the doctor before plastic surgery

1. Doctor's track record

Before plastic surgery, it helps you sort out the doctors who are superior in their fields. First, you can ask for the plastic surgery certificate that he has. Then, basically you need to know what surgery and surgeon is needed.
For example, reconstruction specialists usually handle cases such as burns, injuries resulting from accidents, birth defects, or birth defects. While cosmetic surgery is usually for this type of aesthetic surgery.
While the doctor's reputation and certificate must be known to avoid you becoming a victim of malpractice. Don't forget to also ask how many operations the doctor has handled. This is useful to convince you that the doctor is an expert and has been trusted in his field.

2. Where and how the operating procedures are carried out

Generally there are several surgical procedures performed. In addition, you may be allowed to go outpatient after surgery. You can also have to be fully admitted to the hospital. Usually the Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur will consider several factors such as your age, health, and distance of your home from the operating site.
However, for treatment at the hospital as a whole will usually require greater costs than outpatient care. Well, this is what must be considered. Don't forget to think about health risk factors during and after surgery.

3. Know what type of anesthesia the doctor will use

At this stage of the consultation, it is important for you to ask what type of anesthesia will be used during the surgery later. The following is an example of anesthesia that will be explained before plastic surgery is performed.
·         General anesthesia.  Done to suppress the central nervous system that makes you unconscious during the surgery. This anesthetic is generally injected into the body, or through gas that is introduced into the respiratory tract.

·      Regional anesthesia.  This anesthesia is injected around the central nerve to eliminate feeling in certain areas of the body. Whereas in other body parts you will remain conscious. Two types of anesthesia are still divided into these types, namely spinal anesthesia which is injected into the patient's spine and epidural anesthesia.

·         Local anesthesia.  Injected into certain body parts. Its function is to eliminate the sensation on the part that you want to be dissected. Generally, the patient will remain conscious after anesthetized with local anesthesia.

4. How big is the risk of the surgery you will undergo?

Each operation certainly has its own risks. Before plastic surgery, it helps you ask your Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur what risks might occur. The risk of serious surgery, usually associated with blood loss, infection, or excessive reaction to general anesthesia. Although rare, the consequences can refer to death.
There are some types of procedures that are more dangerous than others, although recent advances continue to make complications less likely. Because plastic surgery is an option, surgeons will usually refuse to dissect any patient who feels the risk is too great. Therefore, serious complications with plastic surgery are actually quite rare.

You can also ask how many serious complications you will have to undergo plastic surgery, even though this is actually prohibited. However, your surgeon must be willing to provide this information so that you feel comfortable making the most appropriate choice for your own health and safety.

Also Read: Plus minus Facelift to Make Your Face Look Younger

5. See before-after photos of other patients your doctor has operated on

Typically, professional doctors will show "before-after" photos of patients they handle for their promotional material, or it can be illustrated.  
Ask your doctor to show the results of the patients he has handled. Generally, these photos are only permitted for surgeons who have completed the training requirements of certain plastic surgery certification holders.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What is the ideal beauty according to plastic surgeons?

Ideal beauty is determined by Greek statues like Venus, and everything is a matter of proportion. Beauty has now been distorted, in my opinion. There is a concept called the Golden Ratio and that is a mathematical equation for beauty - how things that are considered beautiful have certain patterns. Therefore, today, the concept of beauty is very different. 

If you look at Instagram, the Kardashian family, Nicki Minaj, they don't fit the Golden Ratio. What is scary for people like me is when the public thinks they are beautiful? Seriously, their bodies are disproportionate. 

When you are not proportional, it seems so grotesque. But now the grotesque image is considered normal. Beauty is what we observe around us. Because many celebrities show off through social media, people find it normal. Once a patient came and said, "I want you to do a natural Breast Augmentation Surgery in Jaipur," then he took out a photo of Victoria Beckham. Have you ever seen Victoria Beckham's breasts? Her breasts are clearly unnatural. Now I have learned, when people say they want something natural, I have to ask what they used to refer to as "natural". 

Why don't you suggest a cheaper plastic surgery procedure in Mexico City?
If you are looking for cheap plastic surgery, you will get "cheap" results too. As simple as that. The problem with opals medical tourism offered by some countries is not because of the poor skills of the doctors. I can't say the best plastic surgeon lives in Canada. That is ridiculous. There are good doctors in Brazil, China, Germany, everywhere. The problem is you are going through something that you are not good at, you don't know the condition of a city or place. So if you want plastic surgery in the Caribbean, you can face things that are not considered common in Canada - or vice versa.

The standard of care we have in Canada is different from other provinces, between Canada and the US, between Canada and the Caribbean. So if you go there and see a doctor, a clinic, you think everything is fine. In fact, it might not be. For example, you find a specialist in plastic surgery in the Caribbean, and there is an error in the procedure. Then you were rushed to the hospital. Do you want to be treated at a local hospital there, even though your regular hospital is here?  

I have met patients who have undergone breast enlargement procedures in Ukraine. The doctor injected foreign substances into her breasts, which in the end I had to amputate. That is illegal in Canada. He is a certified Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur. In his country, the procedure is normal and permissible. There is also an awkward legal-medical aspect to discuss because it varies by country. In Canada, there is a kind of state agency that oversees, so doctors must ensure that all procedures go well. 

When there are no similar standards in other countries, the doctors don't care about you. 
If something is wrong, the doctors don't care about fixing it back and forth. They are not worried about the demands of malpractice. So you should undergo plastic surgery in your country of residence. Don't be interested in going to sandpaper to other countries where the standard of medical services is different from what you understand.

As a doctor, you must tell them their physical deficiencies. Then you give promises and care to rebuild their bodies to be more beautiful. Do you think ...
Sorry, I cut your question. Not like that. So when people come to me, they always come with problems. I will not tell you that they have physical deficiencies here, there, and so on. If they ask, "What else can I do?" My answer is, "I can do a lot, but what aspects of appearance bother you?"

I could have told them to go through some sandpaper procedures, yet they would obey. Neat I won't do it; I will not turn a patient into someone I consider beautiful. I want to help you fix things that are annoying. So, maybe there is another plastic surgeon doing what you say, promising something to the patient. While I never tell people what a pretty and ugly standard is. I often do BreastEnlargement Surgery in Jaipur and patients ask me, a good size. Better this big, or less than this? I like which one? I told them, it's not important that I like what they do. Because you are the one who will look in the mirror, you must be happy. So choose the size you like.

Do people who come here expect to be "fixed" because they are not confident? Is plastic surgery always triggered by self-confidence issues?
We did not discuss the matter of patient confidence. The problem is, in my opinion, most of my patients have no confidence issues. There is no patient who comes here and says "So, Doc, I feel my face and body are so ugly. I'm depressed, I want to feel better."

There are occasional patients who say that, I try to invite them to discuss. I would say, "Well, I can change your body. But I can't change your mind. So if you have psychological problems, you come to the wrong doctor. I'm not a psychological surgeon. I can change your body shape, but I can't change the way you see yourself. "

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reasons to Choose a Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur

The process of plastic surgery in various cities is now increasingly diverse which is able to show the best results. Until now many people want a plastic surgery process faster and perfect, it's just that not everything can run perfectly because it is influenced by many factors. The criteria for Plastic Surgeons in Jaipur have certainly been of particular concern to the attention of patients.
Until now the criteria for a plastic surgeon have been of particular concern to patients, unfortunately not many people know that it is even more focused on the results of their operations. Maybe you have heard various cases of failure of plastic surgery where the appearance of the face actually looks scary, it could be due to the criteria of the plastic surgeon being not credible or careless.
Reasons to Choose a Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur
Actually there are several reasons why many patients choose the best plastic surgeon in Jaipur which incidentally has the best criteria for plastic surgery. Immediately, we refer to the criteria of the best plastic surgeon in Jaipur, namely:
Have the Best Experience

There is a lot of experience that can be obtained by a plastic surgeon, but for patients to be able to see it carefully. To get the best experience from a Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur, you can clearly see the results of plastic surgery that has been done to a patient. Not only that, the quality of plastic surgeons can also be obtained from the testimonies of patients who get perfect results postoperative. So the experience of plastic surgeons is very important to be known by patients so that the results can be said to be perfect.

Best Certified
Next there is the most important thing that plastic surgeons have in big cities, one of which is the best certification obtained from training to long-term practical work. Usually a plastic surgeon does have the best certification so that later prospective patients are more confident in the performance or the final results post-surgery. Therefore certification is vital in plastic surgery.

Containing Equipment

plastic surgeon has many criteria, one of which is more adequate equipment so that the plastic surgery process itself is somewhat smoother and more perfect. Medical equipment in plastic surgery must carry cleanliness or sterile so as not to give bad effects such as irritation to infection.

Various kinds of the best criteria of Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur until now are able to show many advantages where until now able to show many achievements to the quality of the best plastic surgery results in big cities and even in other countries. For patients must know what is the quality of a plastic surgeon so that later the operation process can run perfectly.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Beautify Appearance with the Scar Revision Procedure

Having a scar often makes you lack of confidence. To overcome this problem, scar revision or scar surgery can be an attractive solution to reduce scars caused by injuries, injuries, or previous operations. Scar Removal Treatment in Jaipur can help repair blemishes, restore skin function, and disguise scars that are quite severe. As with other operating procedures. This scar revision action certainly also has risks although it is still classified as a safe operation.

Scar revision is a surgical procedure aimed at tidying the scars or keloids in certain body parts. By removing scars or keloids on body parts, especially in visible parts of the body, this can certainly increase self-confidence when looking. Surgery can be used for patients who want to minimize the appearance of the scar. However, many health experts do not recommend this procedure for small scars or scars that do not trigger risks associated with surgical procedures. This is why surgical scars are more commonly performed for patients who have large, deep, and thick keloid scars that are able to change the normal shape of the skin,

Usually the operation of a scar can be done in a few months or years after the wound heals. This is done because most wound sizes will increasingly shrink and tend to be obscured. In the healing phase, the wound goes through three different stages namely the stage of inflammation, the stage of granulation, and the stage of formation. 

Generally, the Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur will advise to wait for a range of 60 to 90 days or until the skin goes through the formation stage before a scar operation is performed. During the revision surgery, the scar cannot actually eliminate the scar completely. What can be done is just smoothing or smoothing the wound so the skin looks more attractive. In addition, this action also cannot be performed on keloids, the risk of relapse is higher than ordinary scarring.

The scar revision procedure is an outpatient procedure supported by local anesthesia and mild sedation. However, for some scars in quite severe conditions general anesthesia can be done. There are several methods that can be done to perform procedures for scar revision such as scar removal, skin grafting, or removal of scar tissue. Some of these methods will be performed according to the condition of the scar.

Each patient should conduct a number of consultations before deciding to take a surgical procedure to smooth the scars or keloids. Knowing a number of risks or complications that may be caused is also important to do. This is why be sure to consult with experts. Choosing professional and competent specialist Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur will certainly be very helpful and minimize the risks that may occur related to the operations performed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chin Implants to Get a More Attractive Facial Appearance

The face becomes a fairly important part of the body in appearance because this is the first part that people see when they meet. This is why deficiencies in the face area often make a person feel less confident. One of them is the chin that is less proportional. Along with the development of technology and knowledge, there is currently a solution for anyone who feels the shape of the chin is less than perfect, namely by performing chin implant surgery.

Purpose of Chin Implant Action

Chin implants are performed to improve the appearance and shape of the chin. Usually, this action is chosen by people with prominent chin shape that is too small so as to make the face look less harmonious. This Facelift Surgery in Jaipur is usually recommended as one of the complementary procedures in other facial correction operations such as nose surgery, cheek implants, jaw repair, and others.

By performing the chin implant action it is expected that the small chin can look more prominent and look harmonious on the face thereby increasing one's confidence in appearance.

What is the Chin Implant Procedure?

In carrying out the chin implant procedure, it is certainly adjusted to the conditions and needs of the patient so as to get a more balanced facial features. Chin enlargement by undergoing implants is intended for people with weak chins which in this procedure the surgeon will place the implant directly above the chin bone and under the skin. Chin implant itself is one of the small-scale surgical procedures which is usually done in only about 45 minutes.

The chin implant is done by the surgeon injecting the anesthetic first. Furthermore, the Plastic SurgeryDoctor in Jaipur will do a little tear on the side of the mouth to the bottom of the chin which is useful for implant placement. After the implant is inserted which is intended to form the chin then the incision will be closed by making stitches that can blend with the skin. This is one form of innovation in the field of surgery so it does not cause incisions or stitches and minimizes the risk of infection.

Postoperative Care for Chin Implants

Of course, after undergoing surgery for implant placement, patients need a number of treatments to get maximum results. In addition, patients also need to pay attention to several things to minimize the risks that arise after surgery. After undergoing chin repair surgery, patients are usually advised to get outpatient treatment and wait about six to eight weeks to get the full recovery process. There are a number of things to consider for post-operative care:

Patients should avoid consuming milk and acidic foods for several days.

Make sure the patient uses disinfectants on the incision that is useful to prevent infection.
Patients should also not do hard chewing, laughing, or talking for several days after surgery.
The slightest operation or surgery certainly has the possibility of risk or complications. However, this can be minimized by considering various things. This is why when you are interested in performing a chin implant, be sure to choose a clinic or Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur who is experienced, professional, and trusted so you can get a lot of input and more detailed explanation.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tips for Choosing the Right Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur

Plastic surgery activities in the modern era like now are certainly a quick solution to get the appearance of wrinkle-free skin to be more handsome or beautiful. Various developed countries have implemented many plastic surgery technologies performed by expert doctors. The role of a Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur is vital because it is able to show the performance to the best results that have been desired by many patients.

However, not a few patients do not know clearly about the criteria of a plastic surgeon because we know that there are still various cases regarding fake doctors or illegal plastic surgery practitioners. Therefore for patients to be more observant in seeing the criteria of the best surgeon to change the face look more beautiful and handsome.

Careful Tips for Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

There are several criteria from the best plastic surgeon that has been the choice of many circles. Then what are the criteria? Immediately, we refer to the following review.

Have Official Business Entity Certification

If there is a doctor opening a plastic surgery practice try to see from the availability of official business entity certification that can come from the United States or the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). Through the certification of the ABPS, it can be ensured that the standard of education, safety, until knowledge to training plastic surgery has been approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur, there are five to seven plastic surgery training that must be completed by medical schools.

Having Work Ability and Innovative

From an expert in plastic surgery, he certainly has years of experience in handling various kinds of patient complaints. This is able to tell about the ability and innovation of a specialized doctor of plastic surgery. There is nothing wrong if you look at the surgeon's work process before or after surgery. Please note that to assess the skills of a surgeon takes a long time from months to years.

Having a good relationship between doctor and patient

The most important thing from a plastic surgeon is to have experience to the best qualifications plus good relations with fellow doctors to patients. We know that from this type of plastic surgery to one that is very personal and has emotional strength, therefore communication between patients and doctors is very important. Later an experienced surgeon will always maintain the patient's feelings in order to stay relaxed to achieve satisfactory surgical results.

So a CosmeticSurgeon in Jaipur has a variety of the best criteria that have not been widely understood by many patients. Therefore, in order to avoid illegal practices, it is best to examine in detail the depth of the criteria of the best surgeon according to the wishes of the patient.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Fearful things During Breast Enlargement Surgery in Jaipur

Many women who crave to have large and sexy breasts. That is why breast enlargement surgery is becoming popular among women. But there is still a lot of information that is feared about cosmetic surgery. Anything? 

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Jaipur (breast augmentation) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to increase breast size and improve breast contour for aesthetic reasons or to achieve a better body proportions.

Women can choose surgery with copy or silicone implants. Saline implants are usually filled with a saline solution (saline) while silicon is filled with silicone gel, a thick, sticky liquid that is similar to human fat. Some women prefer to use silicone implants because they look like natural breast tissue. 

Breast augmentation surgery is a safe and effective procedure that has been used by millions of women around the world.  

Breast implants with silicone can cause breast cancer

In fact, after intensive testing conducted by surgeons and the US Drug Regulatory Agency (FDA), the FDA has agreed that silicone breast implants are safe and effective when used according to labels. According to the
Cosmetic Surgeonin Jaipur, so far there is no evidence linking silicone implants with breast cancer or life-threatening diseases. 

The fear: Breast implants cause complications during breastfeeding 

In fact, breast implants are placed behind the breast tissue between the chest muscles. This placement does not disturb the breast tissue or nipple area where the milk ducts are concentrated. Many women with breast implants successfully breastfeed their babies. 

The fear: After pregnancy the breast implants will become larger

In fact, it's the same as women without implants. Women with breast implants will have larger breasts during pregnancy and will return to normal after giving birth. This is a normal process and pregnancy does not affect the size of the breast implant. 

The fear: Breast sensation will disappear due to breast enlargement surgery 

In fact, loss of breast sensation is a temporary sensation that women feel after surgery. Sensation in the nipple and breast area may decrease a few weeks after surgery but will return when the body is used to the implant. 

Fear: During surgery, the natural breast will be removed to provide the implant site
In fact, the
Plastic Surgery Doctor in Jaipur will make a kind of pocket or space under the breast tissue to place the implant, so that the original breast does not need to be removed. Implants can be placed in the sub-gland, which is between the chest muscles and breast tissue or sub-muscles that are under the chest muscles