Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Important tips and safety of Laser Treatment for Scars Removal :

Laser Treatment for scars reduces the apperance of scars. It uses focused light therapy to either remove the outer layer of the skin's surface or stimulate the production of new skin cells to cover damaged skin cells. Laser treatment for scars can reduce the apperance of warts, skin wrinkles, age spots, scars and keloids. It doesn't completely remove a scar.

What is laser treatment ?

Laser therapy uses focused beams of light to treat damaged areas on the body. It can be remove also by the tumors and her growths, improve vision, stop hair loss and  pain. This therapy also improves the appearance of scars.

Laser machine for scars removal treatment in jaipur is an outpatient procedure. Your doctor will repeatedly moves a laser wand over your skin to remove damaged skin cells and diminishing scars. It include :

1 Injury scars

2 Burn scars

3 Acne scars 

4 Dark spots

5 Age spots 

6 other types of Hyperpigmentation

This is the procedure which involves heat and light, Our cosmetic surgeon in Jaipur will not recommend if you have light sensitivity. Certain medictaion can cause this type of sensitivity. Be sure to speak with your doctors/consultant to see if you're a good candidate.

How do laser treatments for scars work?

The body begins the process of repairing a wound after a skin injury. A scab develops over the injury to protect it from germs, then eventually falls off.Sometimes, the skin underneath a scab is also the same color as the rest of the body. However, depending on the depth of the injury, a scar will often remains after a scab falls off. These scars may fade or become lighter with the time. When a scar becomes permanent, Laser treatment can be used to remove the outer layer of the damaged skin's surface. They basically smooth the skin to improve tone and apperance.

Safety tips which is given for the  plastic surgery in Jaipur and should be followed by the surgeons

1. Avoid direct sunlight for four to six weeks after the procedure.

2. Apply a cold pack or moist cloth to the area to reduce swelling.

3. Take over-the-counter pain medication when needed.

4. Wash and apply moisturizer daily.

5. For facial procedures, you may need to avoid makeup for a few days.

Most important tips should be prepared :

1. Stop smoking at least two weeks before your treatment.

2. Don’t take aspirin, supplements, or medications that can slow the healing process.

3. Don’t use skin care products containing retinol or glycolic acid two to four weeks before your procedure.

4. Wear sunblock. Avoid prolonged sun exposure before your procedure.

5. If you’re getting a laser treatment to the face and have a tendency to get cold sores on the lips, your doctor will need to give you an antibiotic medication to  prevent an outbreak after your treatment.

Friday, December 4, 2020

 All About The Fat Transfer Risks and Benefits :

As we all know that in the all the case of Cosmetic Treatments, Fat is transfer to the carriers risks (however slight) along with the benefits. The benefits of the fat is via infection are well established; this also include correcting facial imperfection and adding volume with a non-allergenic, autologous material ( from the patients and from the own body). Its is most important to consider the risks and benefits of fat transfer before electing to undergo this procedure. The benefits which are reviewed below, and it should be followed by detailed discription of the possible risk and complications of fat transfer. 

Benefits of the Facial Fat Transfer :

Fat is the infection as a cosmetic surgeon in jaipur they done this treatment very easily and also in the way of natural, versatile, long-lasting, and safe. Fat is transfer has become a preferred method of facial volume enhancement for patient who are allergic to traditional dermal fillers such as bovine-derived collagen. One of the benefits of volume enhancement via fat injection is that there is absolutely no chance of an adverse allergic reaction.

Traditional collagen injection are derived from bovine tissue, so patients must undergo an allergy test and wait for the result before undergoing treatment. An even more modern facial rejuventaion products,such as those that use hyaluronic acid, which carry a slight risk of reaction in people who have multiple allergies. Many of the participants feel most secure using fat transfer so they don't have to worry about a possible reaction .

Another popular reason for choosing fat transfer/injection is the duration of  the procedure's result. Even though about 65% of injection fat will be reabsorbed into the body within a few months of the fat injection, the remaining is 35% which will usually last for the years. For the most lasting result, many patients choose to have several fat transfer treatments over the course of a few months .

According to plastic surgeon in jaipur Fat transfer is easily combined with other facial rejuvenation procedure such as BOTOX Cosmetic, or a body procedure such as tummy tuck or liposuction.

Many patients find out that undergoing facial fat transfer in addition to one of these procedures is manily more important and the cost-effective than undergoing these treatments separately. 

The Fat Transfer Risks and Possible Complications :

The fat transfer risks are few, rare, and minimal. Soreness and swelling are possible, but they're not experienced by every patients. The most siginificant down-side of the procedure is that your face or lips may simply reabsorb all or most of the fat injection. The chances of this happening can't be practical for a given individual, but it happens in up to the half of all patients who receive fat injection treatments.

Rare but possible fat transfer risks and complication include an allergic reaction to the local anesthetic, permanent discoloration caused by the ruptured blood vessle at the treatment site, calcification, a distorted look if overcorrection is done ,per-operative bleeding, a blood clot at the treatment or donor site, a blood-borne infection (perhaps from another cosmetic or dental procedure), scar tissue, and a fat embolism caused by a fat injection mistakenly directed into the blood vessel.

Being disappointed with the results of a fat transfer procedure could also be considered a "RISK". The placement of the fat transfer may not be adequate; the duration of the effect of the fat injection may not be as long as you'd like it; or your face may not "TAKE" the fat transfer. Your face or lips may not be look exactly as you'd hoped. Discuss all your concerns and desires with a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist before undergoing a fat transfer procedure.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Breast Reduction Surgery


What do you mean by Breast Reduction surgery ?

Breast Reduction surgery is an operation which remove extra fat,tissues and skin from your breast. All people similar body and size some have large breast that are out of proportion that are out of the rest of your body which can cause neck pain ,back pain and other more symoptons. 

Most Women who get breast reduction are very satisfied with results. Men having condition like gynecomastia ( in which male breast are abnormally enlarged ) may also have it.
Because it's major surgery, you should know the benefits , potential complications , and what's involved in recovery .

Consultation for Breast Reduction Surgery:

Before the surgery ,you'll meet with your surgeons to talk about your medical history, including whether you've had a lump removed from your breast or have any other medical condition that affects your breast. Your surgeon will also ask about your family meical health even .

Be completely open with your surgeons about your medical history and why you want a breast reduction . Be prepared to discuss any emotional issue you've dealt with regarding your breast how your breasts have physically felt to you , and any physical condition you can had .

The surgeons may take photos of your breast to measure them, and talk with you about how much breast tissue will need to be removed to achieve your goal . You will also need learn about preparing for the surgery and planning for you recovery. You may get mammogram and breast exam before the surgery .

During your consultation ,your surgeon will also ask you about your habits,including whether you smoke and what medication you take. You may have to quit smoking for a period before and after surgery to ensure proper healing . You have to stop taking certain medication , including aspirin or other anti -inflammatory drugs such as Motrin or Aleve . Your

cosmetic surgeons will give you instuction about what you need to do .

How will you prepare yourself for Breast Reduction Surgery ?

You need to do is: Be in a good physical shape to be sure ou heal the way you should , so follow your surgeons's instruction before and after breast reduction surgery.
Before the surgery ,Get your home ready for recovery .Have these things on your hand :
1. Gauze and clean washcloths and tow
2. Loose and comforatble shirts 
3. Special ointments or cream as recommended by your surgeons for the incision sites
4. Plan someone also to drive you home and stay with you for at least the first night after the procedure , If you're not staying in the hospitals .
5. More imporatnt thing you should have Plenty of ice 

Friday, October 30, 2020

7 Most Important Things Everyone Should Read About Body Contouring Treatment

 7  Most Important Things Everyone Should Read About Body Contouring Treatment 

After losing weight, you may find yourself feeling uncomfortable in your own skin and body. It can be really tough to look at a new you that you don’t love. So why not try to better your look? Body contouring treatment could be the solution for you. How does body contouring work? Who is it for? And will it work for you? Before you commit to anything, read this in-depth piece. Here you’ll find out everything there is to know about body contouring treatment. And discover the secret to melting away that extra fat you can’t seem to get rid of the old-fashioned way!


  What this  Body Contouring Treatment mean ?

According to cosmetic surgeon in jaipur Body contouring treatment is laser fat removal, in a nutshell! It’s a treatment that emits a specific wavelength of laser that targets fat cells under the skin. Then fat cells below the skin absorb the laser pulse which then kills the fat cells. It can actually destroy up to 24% of fat cells in a 25-minute session alone.

The word laser may sound like you’re about to get burned. We know, scary, right? But the laser actually feels cool. The laser does heat up to perform the treatment. But it releases a cooling effect for comfort. Standard treatment usually involves three sessions. Each session will target that stubborn fat and dissolve it. And the best part? It is a non-invasive procedure with minimal risk. (It’s kind of a no-brainer for anyone who wants to ditch that annoying double-chin, stubborn love handles or belly fat!)


   How does this Body Contouring Treatment Recommended ?

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it can be difficult to get rid of stubborn fat pockets. And it’s not uncommon. Most people have at least a little stubborn fat that just doesn’t seem to budge with diet and exercise. This can be due to aging, pregnancy, hormonal changes or lifestyle changes .Body contouring treatment is ideal for patients who are looking to remove excess fat. It is not a treatment to turn to for extreme or rapid weight loss. It best targets “fat pockets” under the chin, the belly, arms, flank, and back. It is a great option if you’re already living a healthy lifestyle. Ideally, it’s best if you want to complement your regimen and boost result of body contouring


  How Does Body Contouring Treatment Work ( laser treatment )?

The laser treatment feels cool. In reality, it’s actually heating up your fat cells to destroy them. The laser targets the fat and dissolves the cells within it. The laser hits those fat cells and helps them break down.

Your provider can adjust the treatment as it progresses to make sure it never gets too hot, too cold, or too painful. Generally, Plastic Surgery is a pretty simple treatment. Most patients consider pain level tolerable. Does it feel like a massage? Not exactly. But it’s a basic level of pain. You can handle it! And there is no down-time. You can get right back into your usual routine right away. This is a big plus for busy people. So, all people! You don’t need to take time off work or push back that vacation.


  What Results may be Expect?

Body contouring treatments can yield impressive results. But they may not be visible immediately. You will start to see some positive results in about six weeks as your body removes the damaged fat cells permanently. But the real jaw-dropping results will take about three months. You can see tightening and better muscle tone. And that sagging, nagging fat pocket will disappear.

Of course, when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, the results can be even better. You can look up ways to help ditch your fat naturally. And the body contouring treatments can be what makes the difference. It can finally make stubborn excess skin go away for good!


  How long will this Body Countering Results last ?

once this laser destroys the fat cells, they won't be the back . Hasta Luego ! so that it can expect the reults to be permanent . But if you want to see optimal, long -lasting results, you have to inform yourself first . 



  The most important question arises is that is this Body Contouring Affordable ? 

This treatment are highly effective, but same with the price tag. More and more invasive method can cost as much $30,000. Ofcourse,this will very depending on which the areas , and also how many areas, you want to target . The type of body contouring laser therapy you need can also affect the price of your treatment . However, Barber Surgeons Guild offers body contouring starting at just $1 ,999 for three sessions !

Maintaining a healty weight through diet and exercise can help . This is a great way to stretch out those dollars even furher. Book an appointment for a consultation today for more accurate quote . Cosmetic surgery is personal . You will need to pinpoint your needs and expectations with a professional beforehand . 


  What are the Benefits of the Body Contouring Treatment?

The main benefit to body contouring is that is can help get rid of the stubborn fat. This kind would be  otherwise be hanging around forever. You can’t exercise your double-chin away. Although a healthy diet can help, some skin stretching is irreversible. Without a little extra help, of course! Body contouring can smooth out the areas you dislike.

Another benefit to patients is permanent results. Once you have completed your sessions, you won’t need to continue shelling out more cash. There are no maintenance or follow-up treatments. And of course, there is no down-time to this non-invasive procedure. No general anesthesia, no incisions, no lengthy recovery. You can stop in for your less-than-half-hour treatment whenever you have spare time. And then head right back out to complete the day. No surgical risk and no disruption to your routine!


plastic surgery doctor in jaipur can help patients suffering with certain psychological disorders that relate to their appearance. “One recent study revealed benefits across a wide range of outcomes, including anxiety, social phobia, depression, body dysmorphia, goal attainment, life satisfaction, mental and physical health, self-efficacy, and self-esteem,” says Ted Cascio, Psychology Professor at the College of New Jersey.

Is Body Contouring Right for Me?

Making the decision to undergo any type of cosmetic treatment is a very personal one. In collaboration with a professional, you can find out if you are a good candidate. If you are, the next step is up to you. Are you ready to get rid of stubborn, unsightly fat? Ready to look and feel younger again. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

What is Lip Augmentation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results?

What is Lip Augmentation?

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance of the lips by making them appear fuller and fuller. In general, full and plump lips make a person look healthier and younger, as they tend to thin out as they get older. The ideal shape and size of the lips are usually determined based on other facial features around them, such as the nose. This procedure has been carried out since the early 20th century.

Who Should Undergo Lip Augmentation and Expected Results

Lip Augmentation Surgery in Jaipur is recommended for those whose original lips are too thin, so they seem to disappear when smiling. In addition, it is intended for those whose lips become thinner due to increasing age.

There are several methods that can be used for lip augmentation. Some of the results are only temporary, but some are long lasting. Among them:

Dermal filler injector

Fat injection

Lip implants

Advanced Vermillion Surgery

Lip lift surgery
Generally, patients prefer procedures with temporary results because they can be tailored to the patient's desired appearance. The most widely preferred injectors are dermal fillers, especially those using hyaluronic acid. Fillers, marketed under different trade names, are substances that are injected into the lips and on the surface of the mouth. Because hyaluronic acid also occurs naturally in the body, the risk of complications and negative reactions is very low. It is also very effective in increasing lip volume for an extended period of time up to 6 months, but with a low risk of bruising. After six months, the patient will need to have another injection to maintain volume lips.


Sensitivity to pain

These complications are mild and only temporary, so they go away on their own. However, if it lasts more than 10 days, the patient should notify his esthetician. Prolonged redness and itching indicate an allergic reaction to the substance injected into the skin.

Ulceration of the lips

Another complication can occur in lip augmentation with the silicone implant injection technique. Therefore, this technique is no longer recommended because of the high complication. In one case, it was reported that the patient suffered from a post-procedure abscess formation.

How Lip Augmentation Works

Dermal filler injections are performed as an outpatient procedure in beauty clinics. Prior to the injection, a CosmeticSurgeon in Jaipur will apply a numbing agent to the lips. If needed, an injection to block the nerve is also given. The area around the mouth where the injection is made will be marked and a syringe is used to insert hyaluronic acid into the lips.

Meanwhile, if the patient chooses to undergo a fat injection procedure, he will need to stay in the hospital or beauty clinic for a longer time to collect the grafted fat. The fat is taken from the patient's own body through a liposuction procedure, before being injected into the lips.

After the augmentation procedure, ice is placed on the area treated by the doctor to reduce discomfort and swelling. The healing period tends to be short, only 1-2 days, after which the patient's lips will look fuller and fuller.

Meanwhile, the healing period after lip augmentation varies. If it is injected, it only takes a day. If it is surgery, it can take up to a week, as it requires stitches. Even though it is very small, it still needs to be removed after 4 - 5 days after the procedure.

Possible Complications and Risks of Lip Augmentation

According to Plastic Surgery Doctor inJaipur Lip augmentation by injection is much safer than surgery, but both have risks. Several potential complications can arise during a lip augmentation procedure, including: Bleeding, Swelling, Bruises, Redness.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Incisional + Non-Incisional Hair with Transplantation

Often people assume that hair loss is genetic and impossible to treat. Before we proceed with the discussion of hair transplants, please note that hair loss can actually be substantially reduced if actively treated through early detection. 
There are several medically proven methods that are effective for treating hair loss including treatment and hair transplantation. The most common treatment for hair loss in men is to apply and take medication regularly as prescribed by Hair Transplant Surgeon in Jaipur, but this treatment is only used to treat patients with early and medium-term vase hair loss. However, some patients find that hair will fall out again after drug treatment is stopped.
Many patients turn to hair transplant surgery for their hair loss problem, but because of pain and scars, patients prefer surgery that is as much as possible non-invasive.


Hair transplants can be considered in cases where hair loss is long term or has not yet shown results after drug treatment. Hair Transplant Surgery or hair transplant surgery is a hair loss treatment that can have the surest effect in a short amount of time. This is a method of transplanting hair from the back of the head, which is not affected by male hormones, to the area of ​​hair loss. Transplanted hair retains its original nature and remains intact throughout its life.
Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur says there are two hair collection methods, the incisional method, known as the Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and the non-incisional method, known as the Follicular Unit Excision (FUE).

The incisional method is to remove the area of ​​the scalp with hair follicles as needed and then transplant it to the area of ​​hair loss. This method is the most common extraction method in Hair Transplant Surgery, because it has a high level of adhesion and low hair loss when separating hair follicles. This method also has the advantage of relatively faster transplantation time and lower costs.

Non-incisional methods only collect hair follicles as needed, without removing parts of the scalp. Hair transplant is done without an incision, so there is no need to worry about scars. Despite the small possibility of danger and a faster recovery period, a longer duration of surgery will be needed compared to the incision method because the follicles are collected one by one.

As technology advances, there is a new robot technology in the field of hair transplantation called 'Artas' which can help non-incisional hair transplant operations. Hair transplant robots, which can analyze and select healthy follicles with promising growth rates, have attracted a lot of attention.
When hair follicles are collected during a hair transplant, it will not be regenerated again at the collection site, so it is important to find a skilled professional Plastic Surgery Doctorin Jaipur because they have an aesthetic sense of hair transplantation taking into account the patient's scalp condition and level of hair density. Doctor skills are very important for hair transplant surgery, because the ability to extract is capable of also reducing damage to the extracted hair follicles.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Breast Reduction Surgery: Definition, Costs, Procedures, etc.

Breasts that are too big can make the owner feel uncomfortable. Not a few women who complained of having a breast form that is too big. Complaints that are often experienced include pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. Sometimes there is a reddish rash on the folds of the breast. No wonder they chose to do breast reduction surgery.

Indeed there are many women who have had Breast Reduction Surgery in Jaipur. Citing the Coil page, data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), as many as 66,900 people have performed breast reduction procedures in 2016. Interestingly, 40 percent of them are male.
So, what is the breast reduction procedure? What are the side effects? Check out the full explanation in the following article.

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty is a procedure used to remove excess fat, tissue, and skin from the breast.

What is the purpose of breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction surgery aims to make your breast size smaller and is sometimes done to form breasts. In addition, this procedure might also help increase your confidence and ability to carry out physical activities.

When is breast reduction surgery needed?
If you have large breasts and feel disturbed or even not confident with it, you might consider breast reduction surgery. Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur says, it should be understood that breast reduction surgery is a medical procedure that is individualized, so you have to decide because you want yourself not because of the wishes of others.

Also Read: Types of Common Plastic Surgery Procedures

Who is eligible for breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction is the right choice if you:
Physically fit;
Expect realistic results;
Do not smoke;
No excessive obesity;
Feel that your breasts are too big;
Physical activity is disrupted by breasts;
Having back, neck and shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts;
Stretchy bra straps because they support heavy breasts, then breasts decrease;
Having skin irritation under the folds of the breast;
Your breasts decrease and widen;
Your nipples are under the folds of the breast;
Enlarged areolas are caused by dilated skin.

You can do breast reduction surgery at any age - sometimes even as a teenager. However, if your breasts have not fully developed, you may need a second surgery later.
You may have to postpone breast reduction operations if you are breastfeeding and are on a weight loss diet program. Please discuss with your Cosmetic Doctor in Jaipur for more information.

Breast reduction surgery costs

The cost of breast reduction surgery in Indonesia
The cost of breast reduction surgery certainly varies greatly. This depends on a number of factors, including the surgeon who performed it, the hospital where the procedure was performed, the medical facilities used, drugs, and so on. 

The cost of breast reduction surgery abroad
In the United States, the average cost required for breast reduction operations ranging from Rp93 million to Rp172 million. These costs do not include medical tests that must be performed before surgery (such as a mammogram), pain relievers, hospital facilities, and so forth. If additional procedures are carried out at the same time, it can also increase the total cost of your overall actions.
Meanwhile, the cost of breast reduction surgery in Thailand is around 140 thousand THB or equivalent to Rp61 million. 

Health insurance generally does not cover breast reduction surgery costs, unless it is performed for medical reasons such as chronic back pain, neck or shoulder. To see if you qualify, ask your health insurance provider.

In addition, be sure to seek further information regarding the cost of breast reduction surgery to your Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur or medical staff before taking action.


What should be done before breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia or general anesthesia. Therefore, before surgery, you may be asked to:
Carrying out laboratory tests or medical evaluations;
Take certain medications or make adjustments to the drugs you consume;
Do a baseline mammogram before and after surgery to help detect changes in your breast tissue;
Stop smoking both before surgery and after;
Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements because it can increase bleeding.